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List of Viziers

(in chronological order)

Old Kingdom (about 2686-2181 BC)
(Strudwick 1985: 301-303)

4th Dynasty

Fifth Dynasty

6th Dynasty

End of Old Kingdom or later


Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC) (Grajetzki 2000: 9)

11th Dynasty

12th Dynasty

End of 12th or 13th Dynasty

13th Dynasty

13th or 17th Dynasty

New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC)

Southern viziers Northern viziers

18th Dynasty

  • Tetinefer
  • Iymhetep (seal UC 12176)
  • Aakheperreseneb
  • Hepuseneb
  • Ahmose
  • Amunuser
  • Rekhmire
  • Amunemipat
  • Seny
  • Hepu
  • Ptahmose
  • Ramose
  • Nakhtpaaten
  • Usermont
  • Pentu
  • Aja (?)


  • Neferweben
  • Ptahmose
  • Ptahhotep
  • Thotmose
  • Amenhotep
  • Aperel
  • Paramessu
  • Setkhy






19th Dynasty

19th Dynasty
  • Paser
  • Nehy
  • ...my
  • Thotmose
  • Khay
  • Panehesi
  • Pensakhmet
  • Itju (?)
  • Amunmose
  • Paraemheb
  • Hori
  • Ta
  • Neferrenpet
  • Nebnakhtra
  • Khaemwaset
  • Wenennefer


  • Nebamun
  • Iry...
  • Rahotep
  • Neferrenpet
  • Merysakhmet

Third Intermediate Period (Kitchen 1986: 597-598)

Southern viziers Northern viziers

21st Dynasty

  • Herihor
  • Pinudjem I
  • Amehirpamesha (?)
  • Neseramun A

22nd and 23rd Dynasty

  • Padimut
  • Ia-o
  • Rudpamut
  • Hory
  • Hori, son of Iutjek (?)
  • Nesipaqashuty
  • Harsiese, son of Nesipaqashuty
  • Hor
  • Pentyfankh, son of Hor
  • Harsiese
  • Djedkhonsefankh
  • Nakhtefmut
  • Hor, son of Nakhtefmut
  • Pamiu
  • Pakharu, son of Pamiu
  • Ankh-Osorkon
  • Padiamonet, son of Pamiu

22nd Dynasty

Iken (Spencer 1999: 70-72)

Late Period

Northern viziers (Kitchen 1986: 598) Southern viziers (Vittmann 1978)

25th Dynasty

  • Mentuhotp
  • Harsiese
  • Djedkare

26th Dynasty

  • Zasobk
  • Nasekheperensekhmet (Psamtek I)
  • Bakenrenef
  • Gemenefhorbak
  • Harsomtusemhat
  • Psamtek-Meryneit (Amasis)
  • Pasherientaihet (Amasis)
  • Horsiese
  • Harsiese
  • Nesmin, son of Harsiese
  • Ankhhor
  • Nesipaqashuty
  • Pediese, son of Harsiese
  • Khamhor
  • Pahrer/Harsiese, son of Khamhor
  • Nesmin, son of Khamhor
  • Nesipaqashuty
  • Nespamedu
  • Nesipaqashuty
  • Iry
  • Djedwebasettiuefankh
unknown position (and dating)

30th Dynasty

  • Padineit
  • Horsiese (de Meulenaere 1958)
  • Ankhefekhonsu (Taylor 1990)


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