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Scarabs with titles and names of officials

UC 11208
Martin 1971: no. 844
UC 26126
Martin 1971: no. 1570
UC 11484
(found at Lahun)
Martin 1971: no. 1517
UC 11353
(found at Nubt)
Martin 1971: no. 541
iri-at rn.f-anx
Hri-pr Sb.f
xtmti-biti smr-wati im-ra xtmt snb-sw-m-a
Hkrt niswt Mw-nw-ib
chamberlain Renef-ankh
house official Sebef
the royal sealer, unique friend, treasurer, Senebsumai
the royal ornament Munuib
UC 11208 UC 26126 UC 11484 UC 11353


UC 11460
Martin 1971: no. 526
UC 11463
Martin 1971: no. 576
UC 11470
Martin 1971: no. 1301
UC 11452
Martin 1971: no. 339
xtmti-biti imi-rA xnrt ptH-Htp
ATw n Tt HqA sbk-Htp zA ATw n Tt HqA mnTw-Htp
xtmti-biti imi-rA mSA zA-nb
xtmti-biti imi-rA AHwt anxw
the royal sealer, overseer of the enclosure Ptahhotep
the officer of the ruler's crew Sobekhotep, son of the officer of the ruler's crew Mentuhotep
the royal sealer, overseer of the troops Za-neb
the royal sealer, overseer of the fields Ankhu
UC 11460 UC 11463 UC 11470 UC 11452


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