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Hierakonpolis, the 'Main Deposit'

some major finds in the Petrie Museum

decorated mace head UC 14898a/ UC 14898

UC 14898aa UC 14898 UC 14898

Quibell 1900: pl. XXVI A; Adams 1974: 3, no. 1, pl. 1+2


an ivory carving
UC 14864
UC 14864
Quibell 1900: pl. XVI; Quibell/Green 1902: XXXII; Adams 1974: 60, no. 324, pl. 38+39

UC 14865, bone carving
UC 14865a
UC 14865
UC 14865
Quibell 1900: 7, pl. 8; Adams 1974: 60, no. 325, pl. 38+39



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